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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  September 26, 2020 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

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there is such a pleasure to see here in moscow especially in person good to see you again you know if you're one of the 1st and very few dignitaries who are flying into moscow they say they and i want to start you by asking how it has this been demick change the workings 'd of diplomacy and you guys have some conversations like most of us or is it not particularly safe to exchange information this way well actually we have to do that and just this morning i participated in the meeting of the conference on interaction and cooperation in asia confidence building in asia. by video conference. some 20 more foreign ministers were participating in that conference and as you pointed out in your in your introductory statement. this despite a stars and recognize rich or poor weak or strong or enemies it's affecting all of us and it shows that we need to come together in order to fight this fight as
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unfortunately the united states continues to prevent iran even from buying medicine and vaccine to buy just buy it will definitely discuss that in details but let me ask you one more question about the workings of diplomacy because from what you mentioned i understand that when it comes to you know making. public statements or prepared statements it's ok to do with online but the use still came to moscow for some reason is that because certain things that she sounds would have to discuss the other loses this is actually my 3rd visit to moscow after the corona. breakout so there are things that you need to discuss in person. of course we all use video conferencing as zoom or whatever other. platforms that's out of a book but it comes to a point that you need to discuss certain things in print. now under normal
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conditions diplomat of your statue would be grounded for i mean i mean you cannot be serious you can't at the task that. has covered 1000 change and you know that i mean are you required to do you require your peers your counterparts to provide some proof of them not being a health risk to others. we don't do that to diplomats in iran but i was not subjected to any of those made an ad out in moscow no but in some of the countries they do some countries require you to go through at least a temperature check some countries require you to provide a test that was taken. no more than 48 hours before you go i will but those are much fewer china is for instance one of those countries that has very strict requirements i'll be going to china in
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a couple of weeks and i'm not going to be easy now iran has one of the hardest hit countries in the middle east some experts suggest that you are now in the grips of . a 3rd way if it involves a pandemic and many a high ranking iranian official site succumbed to or even died from the virus i know that one of your closest. friends visors and friends and former colleagues sadly died because of it i wonder if you personally have developed any rules or teams to maximize your safety because you're in a high risk drop you have many interactions you're in the risk group for sure. we can only try to who say i mean keep the necessary not social distancing but physical distance in our interactions with the mask and how do you do wear the mask because when you came in here are you are you aware is massive i do of the mask all the. time and it's across towards the mask all of my
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colleagues was about ask a smile it's as if i can i can be immune and they say can i have to wear the mask now you mentioned before there are difficult case where difficulties for iran in securing medical equipment and they were there even before the pandemic struck. how severe they are now and is it a factor in why. the pandemic affected your country so severely. certainly the sanctions and economic hardship that the united states imposed on iran has had a significant impact. on 2 levels 1st we had to be could not keep people from going to work we could not provide them bid subsidies with the extra subsidies we already do provide subsidies but we couldn't provide them with extra subsidies or incentives to stay home people have to make to
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earn a living again and the government's. coffers not that very. filled so we need we needed to allow them to to end their own living this was this was the 1st decision that we had to make a very hard decision but the decision nevertheless that we needed to adopt and secondly the 2nd level is buying medicine buying the vaccine the united states 1st of all it's limited. financial resources by preventing us from selling boyd and secondly it is preventing us even from having access to our own money we have quite a bit of money stashed in countries abroad and those countries are prevented by denying to safe from even allowing us to buy medicine with our own money whatever the americans are saying about. sanctions not affecting a humanitarian items is just is just like we have been trying to transfer money
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for the covert 19. kovacs. w.h.o. axion we haven't been able to do that we've been trying to transfer money even for normal influenza vaccines to the united states restrictions prevent us from even transferring money to to buy vaccines so it's. it's basically medical terrorism that the u.s. is engaged now you know in moscow for what i assume some sensitive conversation since you came here in person and i'm pretty sure that you are going to touch with your russian colleagues on the latest u.s. decision to re-impose arms embargo against your country not everybody except the united states agrees that it's illegal so we don't have to waste your valuable time on you know talking about the illegitimacy of that act i want to ask you and i want to get an honest assessment from you whether you think it would still be effective
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despite being illegal does the united states have the means of imposing not only imposing that ban on your country but effectively making it international will united states. does certainly have. a lot of. might financial might in venet comes to preventing countries from getting beat each other and that is why countries are less and less dependent on dollar because they know that as long as they depend for their international transaction on u.s. dollars. basically at the mercy of the united states the americans can can impose. reeves on that 2nd point on this is this is a principle for us you don't doesn't buy a lot of warms we're not saudi arabia i mean day per day spend $67000000000.00 more
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than russia did. on the military. we don't spend that much money. we don't have that much money to spend we produce most of the weapons we need ourselves so we don't going to go to international markets. to try to procure weapons from here and none of the european countries even sold us weapons since since the revolution. so we're not under any illusions but this is a principle that there was an agreement to lift the restrictions and as russia correctly has pointed out we did not beaver not under an arms embargo there were restrictions we needed to get a permission from the security council to buy and sell weapons and now that restriction will be defeated in mid october and that is the most important thing if we need to procure weapons to buy weapons from our friends then the room no
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legal limits a well speaking of here or france and buying our arse from that russian counterpart sergei lavrov was asked whether russian arms producers will continue trading with iran to say that he could not give an answer because it's a private business decision and americans do have an ability to influence the calculus a friend asks i want to ask you specifically what kind of reaction you are expecting from russia and china is the rhetorical condemnation and now. russia and china to delete in objecting to to the american measures before that better even the europeans i mean 13 members 13 of the 15 security council members twice wrote letters to the president of the security council once on the 20th of august when the united states if you did so called know it to be case in and once on the 20th of september when the united states claimed that is purported u.n.
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sanctions have come back rejecting it and that's what's important i think that's the important point. just a deal that was kind of isn't out of a but i mean does a major diplomatic defeat for the united states isolation of the united states. verification by the international community of the legitimacy of the iranian position really which is an important achievement not. this put it on what would it national community for the rule of law no. contact at the military level with our friends those contacts will continue usually these are not broadcast live on television i see you mentioned the european reaction and i do want to ask you about the europeans because i think in russia now nowadays finds itself in a station similar to the one that they're on it was with the g c p a way because it has invested in the pipeline in the north stream pipeline and now it's c.s. the europeans having 2nd thoughts of paying lip service to certain ideas for the
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out actually putting any muscle behind it. can the europeans still be regarded as this reasonable part of the west because they definitely are talking different talk from the united states but are they more reliable when it comes to international agreements and keeping their war it but as you just go directly pointed out north stream is is a very clear example that if europeans allow the united states to bully them when it comes to iran the united states can bully them when it comes to the lifeline and north stream is extremely important for europe as you know for germany its its most reliable energy source and and the united states is even trying to intimidate clearly intimidate germany from from engaging with russia in that so i think the lesson that has to be drawn from that is that if you allow
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a bully to operate in these new lives no point and i think the europeans need to realized now unfortunately up until now europeans have been doing a lot of good talk. on the north stream but not much much action i think. i mean we have a long history. and we are patient we know that the policy of the united states to the policy of the united states is bound to be rejected by the international community while i think some time but we have thousands of years of history behind like some countries with 250 years well i wish i had this long period of history and this kind of afterwards but for the time being we have to take a short break so you're back in just a few moments stay tuned. the
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pandemic no certainly no borders and islam to nationalities. has emerged we caught up with the we don't have the facts in the whole world needs to be the chief. judge of. commentary classes the sentence. we can do better we should be better. everyone is contributing each or own way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges create the response has been masked so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together.
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wall street financial engineers kleptocrats divert. money printing into their pockets at a rate that according to the rand corporation was more than $50.00 trillion dollars so that is your god that's why we have social unrest that's why we have incredible wealth and income gap that's why we have such a distorted economy that's why wages are not keeping up that's why we've got inflation raging that's your smoking gun end of story.
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welcome back to worlds apart but iran's foreign minister. minister just before the break touched upon. your attitude to the united states and. there is a bit more than a month left until the next year's presidential elections i know that you say that iran doesn't have a preferred candidate but as a kind sure with a long tradition of strategic analysis i'm sure you have to foresee different scenarios. do you think there will be a difference in the u.s. policy views every year country depending on who occupies the white house next year but. obviously there will be differences between various presidents and various points of views go to any one extreme views such as president trump but.
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you need to look at the policy not the person. i think the question that needs to be asked before even asking what the policy would be with you go to iran is. whether there will be a peaceful transition in the united states if once president by the wins the election from what we heard from president trump yesterday there seems to be a bit more complicated question as ahead of us he said diplomatic contenders are also pretty and sure whether they're going to accept his victory so i think it plays for you know from both camps perhaps. let's wait and see i mean the other camp doesn't have many options president trump a sitting in the white house. for for a sitting president to claim that this country's elections are going to be 'd rigged it's an interesting scenario to watch now he's contender
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are his competitor rather joe biden has already indicated that if he wins his administration is willing to resurrect they disappear way to reach your country and your personal responded by rolling out preconditions and rebuilding trust compensating the damages which i'm sure you would hear you know on the one star is what i want to ask here is. regardless of your feelings about the u.s. contact. is there an interest in the confidence of the deal i are interested in in substance oh of course we are we have said that bit or without the united states if you're on an interest that or. guaranteed in the j.c. we don't want anything outside the juice if you we simply want what is ours what was bargained what was negotiated within the j.c. pure and it cannot be renegotiated. we simply want that if the remaining
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j.c. pure participants can provide that we are willing to live with that we gave them particularly dealer peons over a year to implement what they have promised they made 11 promises at the level. foreign ministers twice to us but they were not able to even start implementing those 11 promises not even a single one of them and then we started reducing our commitments to j.c. puree as was 4 c. in the j.c. q so that's the real dispute resolution make mechanism not the part of the war dispute resolution mechanism that the united states is talking about we are abiding by our obligations we are within the j.c. pewee and if. the europeans come back to j.c. and implement the obligations and it's fine j.c. is alive to security council prove that it is a lot the united states try to torpedo this resolution sitting in
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a room the united states not only left the room but bombed the room try to destroy the room now it has to gain a seat back in the room and that is not automatic i'm not putting any preconditions i mean you do not want to have a situation in international. environment where somebody can leave an agreement a bill and come back to it as with this doesn't work i was watching your conversation at the council of foreign relations and he repeated this wonderful of persian saying if your time is very secure provia brotherhood asked for inheritance and as wise if it may be the americans let alone trying don't leave by persian wisdom they have their own philosophy and for the time being it's a philosophy of taking what they think is their is by force knowing that their philosophy is what's mine is mine what's yours is negotiable absolutely that's not
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the philosophy that i'm willing to to succumb to. you may not be willing to succumb to but how do you think what is the a factor of way of dealing with a bit because whether you like it or not you still have to live in a world where they still also feel you know is a significant mark well i think iran russia and a good number of other states are not prepared to allow this philosophy to become the ruling philosophy we believe in the rule of law we believe in the prevalence of international norms we believe that you when you sign a treaty you need to abide by it these are what we believe in otherwise we would have the law of nature and operate like that and between ourselves but what about dealing with the united states we need to otherwise it will be a jungle and be not prepared to live in a jungle. so i don't think russia is prepared to live in a jungle i don't think china is prepared and i think gradually that europe will stop accepting these diktats from washington sitting here is
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a little bit because our time is running out i know that you said before that you are not very impressed by the recent agreement that when israel and the united arab emirates as well as back rein on the establishment of full diplomatic ties why not . well there had been the very strategic secret connections for the past 15 years these really ambassador in washington. no i mean put on twitter his picture read you supplied the table. 'd for that and said i'm now happy that i can share with you a friendship that we have had for a long time so it was a friendship that they've had for a long time now they had the photo opportunity in the white house to help trump get reelected in florida that may serve that purpose but it doesn't serve people with minister personal or professional connection is one thing
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a full fledged state relationship is something else no diverse state relationship there are state relationships these relationships they kept secret now they decided under trump's son in law pressure to make it public in order to help from play in order to give him a diplomatic victory that he needed. with his dismal record of foreign affairs so that he could show something that it's not only about trying because israel is now offering its. newly found air france new technology vital technology investment opportunities these deal also clears the way for the for the united states to sell more weapons to countries in your region is that the really that irrelevant for the interest of iran to minimizing the impact of that meaning of the moment rising again packed i'm saying that this was. a travesty of justice for the palestinians but it wasn't a major diplomatic accomplishment these countries by persian gulf countries
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by 25 percent of total global weaponry and they will buy more beer i mean what have they done with this 25 percent of total global weaponry that they get i mean let's make it 30 let's make it 40 let's make it 50 what good does it do the same doesn't bother you at all but it does bother me that our neighbors are trying to buy security they have been trying to buy security don't forget they tried to buy security from saddam hussein. and look where they go with him they try to buy security from the united states and they saw the united states simply just leaving them. in the cold without giving them any protection now they're trying to buy security from israel which cannot even protect itself against. palestinians now i think that badly
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mistaken they need to look inward the they need to look at their own people for legitimacy and they need to look at their own neighborhood for security now there are lots of speculations of who is going to be next and non-answer than i talk about as the next can trace your follow in the footsteps of the u.a.e. but everybody is definitely looking at the saudi arabia and i think. you can see some subtle signs that the public opinion is being massage for the formalisation of of was really really the yeah the formalization of what is already there here i mean saudi arabia and israel have been cooperating with each other for years and doing that in the open is that do you think that's a likely scenario if it actually happened i don't think it's important i don't think it's important i don't think it's affects the situation what is important is that or i mean they never help the palestinians any bit but we're still not only
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understand. i mean the entire problem in the middle east is the trampling of the rights of the palestinian people you need to measure any development. really that yardstick. that's the struggle the resistance of the palestinians towards. continued occupation i do not think that saudi arabia u.a.e. or battery will strong supporters of the palestinian cause other than lip service so i don't think it will have any practical impact on the difficulties in our region the difficulty in our region is because of expansionism our aggression and of boy edition of the rights of the palestinian people now. president likes to compliment himself on his new approaches to diplomacy and both his
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israeli and arab colleagues i willing to give him that i mean they're willing to give him praise the 4 are while securing their own interests because i think they're not losing out there. i know that iranians are proud people but there is also a 2nd degree of satisfaction in taking your alamy for a ride trump wants a deal with iran the you know that i know that everybody knows that why not let him having it on your terms there is a principle that you want a deal that is not a photo opportunity we have 159 pages of it these it's not a 2 page document that he can show in front of cameras and i think it. it is in everybody's interest i'm not saying it is only in our interests or only us interest it's at the it doesn't have everything that we wanted it doesn't have
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everything that the united states wants. otherwise it would have been an instrument of surrender by iran or by the united states well you cannot expect the united states to surrender you says that he cannot expect iran to surrender so i think president trump had what he needs your he wants to call a trump deal call a trump deal. but it is the best that can be achieved this and i'm not going to risk something that i negotiated you know how hard it's i'm i'm not just reading to get out something that was extremely difficult to negotiate to evaporator just you know order to satisfy somebody sequel but minister with all due respect my question is not so much about the americans but about these railings and the iraqis do you think it's a good strategy thing it's a clever policy of securing your country's interests while giving your pardon there are adversaries something that he wants and at the end of the day afore all pass he
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is sat is not that big of a prize for securing and getting what you want why doesn't iran try something like that i don't speak for israel but i certainly don't believe that the united arab emirates got what they require what they need but their people have they gotten a bit talked out there about a promise a lot you know well how this is our promises promises or wards of you don't think that israel will persevere that sharing technology is giving up a change of warring arab neighbors into. israel i'm sure you hear believe that they will do that come on israel that's been our talent and money we can get of them are they willing to take they're going to bite that. i guess ok minister it's always a pleasure talking to you thank you very much for your time and best of luck thank you and thank you for watching and hope to syria again next week on the world's apart.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race in this on all sides theory dramatic development of only loosely i'm going to exist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and. join me every thursday on the knowledge so i'm unsure when i'll be speaking to get
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us to the world of politics. i'm sure i'll see you then. a military plane crash in eastern ukraine leaves 26 people dead the sole survivor is in a serious but stable condition. hundreds of anti-government protesters turn out again in the belorussian capital early arrests reported the latest demonstration follows alexander lukashenko as a normal ration this week for his sake the term as president. there rounds of foreign minister brown's america's new sanctions regime as medical terrorism in an exclusive interview with r.t. . you can find more about 30000 other stories that are. going on the ground.


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